There are times when I just wonder how we ever managed to create a Jewish State since the state of the Jews is in such disarray. But then again, the creativity that expresses itself in so many areas in our society is just mind-boggling. The genius that passes as ordinary is anything but. So many of the people we interview provide clarity to situations, be they, political, social or commercial. It is truly inspiring to live in this Makom (place). The mundane daily life is often elevated into a crystal of intricate beauty. Is it any wonder that we provide a place for world Jewry and other interested people to participate in the fabric of life through the building of the Jewish State. I feel so alive just being here. Be it drinking coffee in any one of the outdoor cafes that line Rothchild Street in Tel Aviv or simply strolling down one of the tree lined boulevards of the city. All Jews around the world share in this redemption. All non-Jews have a place alongside us in fulfilling our destiny. It is in this spirit that we create space to allow the blessings to flow throughout this land. It permeates every aspect of life, including the dark places that have the potential to allow the light to shine in. So my initial sadness and frustration of our incompetent politicians to do the right thing is overwhelmed by our people and their abilities to rise above the fog into the sunlight.