Lee Diamond – Zionism is Jewish Power
It’s said that “power corrupts”
Yet the lack of power
leaves one
helpless; Fearful;
Better to be impotent?
Or at risk of corruption?
For too many years
Jews were dependent
Waiting for “self control”
Waiting for an outside source
To restore power to us.
We prayed for power
We begged for power
We longed for power
We took power!
Zionism is Jewish power
Zionism is taking control
Zionism is an assertion
Of self determination
Zionism is rejection
of Weakness
Of Impotence
Zionism is nationhood
Firm and proud.
But power can,
and very often does
Lead to corruption
The Jewish prophets
Affirmed power
But railed against
These very same
Called for
Jewish Power
With Jewish morality.
Let us glory In Jewish Power
But decry hypocrisy
Of self aggrandizement
Let us be Israel
Let us assert power
And dismiss the fearful
Among us
And among the nations
Let us Renew our days
As of old.
Let there be Jewish power
Let there be Zionism
And let us be
A light
Within ourselves
Of Jewish morality