Lee Diamond – What Chutzpah & Ministering to Education
What Chutzpah
They circulated a petition
About a state they barely recognize
Nor support
Calling for that very state to recognize
It’s own detractors!
And they refer to themselves as rabbis
Seeking other rabbis to sign a petition
To protect the rights of self hating Jews!
In the name of democracy.
They call
Upon rabbis to support the rights of BDSers
And similar self haters.
I read this petition
Read it carefully
And felt deep disgust yet sadness.
Leaders of the Jewish people
In fact paid leaders of our people
Calling upon fellow colleagues
To lend a democratic ear
To “kapos”
Israel destroyers
Serving a foreign god
How dare they circulate such a petition
How dare the use the phrase ‘democracy”?
How dare they sit on their fat pulpits?
How dare they call themselves rabbis?
How dare they accept a salary from the Jewish people?
They are horrified when they are criticized
For being charlatans by the Orthodox
Yet that is who they are.,
Jewish Charlatans in the guise of rabbis
Rabbis who.speak in anger against their own people
Rabbis who can’t bless israel
Nor defend it physically
Nor reap the benefits and the God given mitzvah
Of living in the Jewish homeland.
There is no “herem” anymore
But these self destructive, ignorant Jews
Must be dismissed
From preaching as false prophets
Not by error but with vicious intention
More than that
Their efforts lead to severe danger
To the Jewish people everywhere .
Not only those who dwell in Zion
And protect her for all Jews
But their curse and petition will Be
Used by the enemies of Am Yisrael
To destroy us as before.
They must be segregated from
Our people
And judged by none other
Than the God of Israel
Ministering to Education
Imagine an expert American
Jewish Educator
Being sent by an American
Day school to advise and write a new
curriculum for Israeli schools, religious
Or secular!
Imagine this “expert”
Designing a curriculum
For teaching Hebrew!
Imagine him/her
Preparing a curriculum
For Jewish life cycle events
Or the Jewish calendar
For Tanach or Rabbinic Literature
Holidays or celebrations
Observance or tradition, history
Or Jewish literature,
Don’t bother imagining.
The Jewish Expert from the diaspora
Will fail at this enterprise .
Israeli Jews, both secular and religious
Are unknown to the most expert of experts of Diaspora educators.
We, the Jewish people live in two worlds
A totally Jewish World
*Which can’t shed its Jewish skin
*Living In Jewish time
* And in contact with fellow Jews full time
And we aren’t even aware of this at all
We take this for granted
As our very life.
Diaspora: a world apart from a natural Jewish environment; struggling with its native country and culture.
It’s native environment ,
trying desperately to be natural Jews by separating from the world that surrounds it, yet living in this world day by day. Wanting to integrate
But fearful of integration. Seeking segregation yet fearing it.
Diaspora and Israel
Not one world and not one people
And now Israel’s minister of Education
Wants to send Israeli “experts” to the American Jewish diaspora in order to develop curriculum and teach Judaism
Mr. minister:
Perhaps you were born In the American Jewish diaspora
Perhaps you know something about religious Israeli schools in Raanana
Perhaps you know something about
Religious orthodox schools
But be humble enough to realize
That you know very little about the
Educational needs of the American Jewish Diaspora and its Needs and you will fail
You might want to bring American Jews here
To learn about the power of
Living In Jewish skin in a Jewish culture
That’s “OUR” expertise