Lee Diamond – We’re told to “Love Our Enemy”
We’re told to treat them with respect
After all they are duly elected
Members of the U.S. Congress .
We are told to
“Invite them into our home
Into our sovereign state
To Allow them the freedom
To walk In our midst”
We are told that
“Democracies don’t hide themselves
Even from their detractors
Even from their critics
Let them see who we really are”
“Let them see our narrative
Let them see all other narratives
And let them see for themselves
And decide.”
However there’s one problem:
They’ve chosen their narrative
We’re their “Benjamin’s”
We’re their enemy
We’re the Sovereign Jews
And for them
Jews can’t be sovereign
Palestinians are their sovereign
Chosen people and their chosen nation
To their minds
“Jews only pray
Jews only believe
Jews are scattered among the nations
And rightly so
Jews are landless and should remain so”
For these so called democrats
For these liberal minded
viscous Racists !
“Boycott” the Jews
“Divest” from Jewish support
“Sanction” the Jewish State
And next all Jews will be removed
To a separate Benjamin dependent status
And the cringing kowtowing Jewish left
In the land of freedom
In the land of our fathers and mothers
In the land of refuge
Fearing for their own safety
Embraces and defends their
Own enemy
Forgetting that Jews
Are sovereign now
And no longer
Need to love their enemies
As In days gone by
Yet despite it all
if these congresswomen
Wish to visit the Sovereign Jewish State
And if They wish to criticize us
So be it!
But They need to be respectful guests
Even honored guests
And play by our rules.
And if they do
They will be
welcomed with our greeting
Shalom Shalom Forever