Lee Diamond – Viva la King & Viva La Heschel & Fit to Print
Viva la King & Viva La Heschel
They walked arm in arm
An unlikely pair
A Minister and a Rabbi
From the American South
And From Eastern Europe
A Baptist and a Jew
A preacher
A scholar
A Hasidic Jew
A Christian
Two prophets
Of the same dream
Both once rejected
But now the
Foundation Stone
Upon which
A new Temple
Would rise
Total understanding
One for the other
Total commitment
One to the other
To march In unison
And for unison
For Justice
High above the pettiness
Of ego and self promotion
Ready to lie with Issac
On the alter of faith.
The bigots of today
Remove Heschel
From the front line
The petty of today
Remove the firm grasp
Of the United In spirit
And clenched arms
Of the prophets of our day
Those with hard hearts
And self promoting agendas
Try to deny the clasp
Of mutual love of Justice
In order to achieve their own
petty self Aggrandizement
They deny the song
“We shall Overcome”
“Jew and black together”
“Black and Jew together”
Mutual justice together
On that day, in Selma
King declared
“We came here to
Love the Hell out of Alabama”
On this day let us declare:
“We come here to love the hell
Out of those
Deniers of
The Clasp
For We Shall Overcome
Fit to Print
An Op Ed
In a newspaper
Of Seeming Worth
Tried to “Destroy”
To Destroy me
To Destroy my family
To Destroy my people
To Destroy my culture
To Destroy my nationality
To Destroy my legitimacy
Among the nations
Self interests
To gain fame
Just For a by line
Yes. Words do kill
For words can lead
To action
And action will lead
To Acts of hate
Michelle Alexander
A Baha’i believer
Whose very religious center
Is the land of Israel
And whose religion
Respects all religions
And peoples
Dares to Condemn the Jews.
And only the Jews.
Clearly a bigot
Clearly an anti Semite
Israel hosts the “temple
Of her faith”
With pride and respect
Yet she abhors and
Delegitimizes it’s right
To exist.
Islam, her preferred
Sister religion
Persecutes Bahais
Yet The Jews and Israel
Are the target of her hatred
But more severe:
The New York Times
promotes this hatred by publishing this
Hate mongering
Which May Well Lead
To acts of violence
Against my people, my nation.
And if it does
The headline of
The N.Y.T. May well
Be like that of
“Der Stuermer” of Nazi
Germany which stated:
“The Jews Are
Our Misfortune”
Michelle Alexander Lies
But The New York Times
Spreads Her vicious words
In the need to be “fair”
The NYT May one day
Be accused of the
violence it promotes
And be found forever