Lee Diamond – Two States for two Jewish People?
Are we really one people?
Do we really have each others back?
Are Israel and the Diaspora one?
Or two?
One people share common values!
One people share basic ideas!
One people share a common past
as well as a common future!
One people share a common culture!
One people speak a common language!
One people share a common heritage!
One people share the same holidays and
Mourn the same losses.
One people share the same joy!
One people have the same national loyalties!
And a common HOPE (Ha Tikva)
One people are one family!
One people strengthen each other
In times of need!
One people save each other!
One people share the same center and though distant long for it!
One people can criticize each other but from love and caring!
One people needs the embrace of his/her brothers and sisters!
One people share Names!
One people is never alone!
One people doesn’t abandon the other!
One people has a common heartbeat !
One people struggles against B erate, D eny and S abotage
One people may live on different Streets or land but are on Jewish soil always!
One people wear the same skin!
Are Israel and the Jewish Diaspora