This is a common phrase amongst politically
Center – Right Israelis!
We want to compromise
For a two state solution
But the Palestinians don’t
Want to talk. We have no partner!
So why bother having a one way conversation
With ourselves?
And so we bury our vision of peace into
The annals of failure and self righteousness.
Have we not sung from the depth of
Our hearts and soul
At every opportunity
ואף על פי שיתממאה ”
אחכה לו
Even though he tarries
I continue to wait for him”
Our National anthem
Means the “Hope”
We are a nation of hope
A nation
Of belief
A nation of commitment to a better
A nation formed by history
Living in history
But a history of believing In a better tomorrow.
Not only believing but
Making it happen
We can never cease seeking
Messiah– not only in words but
In deeds! Messiah is what leads us
Messiah is the Chalutz
Who creates
who digs the furrows, plants the seeds
In the dry earth
And we must water these seeds
For them to grow
and the rest shall follow .
He who gives up hope
Refuses to water the potential
Denies potential
Who lives without
The vision
Of a better day
Condemns him/herself
And all of us
To blindness!
If you are a Jew
Keep the insistence
Of Messiah alive
In your faith
In your heart
In your actions
Because the insistence
On the Messiah
Is the essence of Messiah
The partner awaits us
We must shine our face
Upon him
יאיר ה׳ פניו
וישם לך שלום
God will shine His
Face upon You (and the partner)
And peace will surely come.