Lee Diamond – The Yearning Jewish Heart
Yearning can be felt
It fills the chest
It’s a real need
Never to be quenched
It’s akin to a
lone traveler in a desert
Thirsting for water
And continuing
To thirst.
It determines direction
It determines life
In itself
It determines time
The thirst calls for a
In Time
“Next Year”
This yearning
Rejects forgetting
“If I Forget Thee”
The yearning is an
Inner rage
A fire!
Never to be extinguished
It is everyday
Every moment
Without it
Our tongues dry
And we can no longer
Out of thirst
It consumes us.
Wherever we go
It leads us
It’s always our
Final statement
At all moments
Of joy and longing
Next Year and Next
Once we reach this
Once we drink of
It’s waters
We need more..
It remains a thirst
For we’ve been conditioned
To Yearn
Yearning is our very being
Yearning Is Home
Yearning is “Yah.”
Yearning is הומיה
Yearning for Home
As long as we yearn
There Is Hope
As long as we thirst
There Is future
As long as we yearn
We remain Jews
pic: tabletmag.com