Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – The Tears of an Israeli Leftist


Lee Diamond – The Tears of an Israeli Leftist

By some reports 480,000

Syrians have been slaughtered

In  the last 5 years


1 million refugees seek asylum
Throughout the world

The Syrian army

together with the Russian army

Continue to bomb and slaughter

And to destroy life  limb and and home

Refugees continue to seek refuge

At this very moment

Killing continues
Bombing continues

Destruction continues.

Tragic reports still fill the news

Appeals come forth from every direction and



The United Nations calls for

The end of violence. They ask for

A cease-fire but nothing happens.
It’s all a farce. Nothing is changing.

The  atrocity  continues. It’s been called a mini Holocaust.

What’s a mini Holocaust?

A half 1 million? 1 million? 6 million?

No solution is in sight.

Assad remains the president

And is not condemned for war crimes.


The United Nations is impotent

To bring a solution to this war!

Is it possible that

The UN  chooses impotency ?????




UNESCO condemns Israel for

Claiming its attachment to Jerusalem

26 abstentions

6 support Israel

2 absent

Sudden potency
Unesco declares :

The Jews have no attachment to Jerusalem

Historical or religious.

Though it’s historical sites, its history

And it’s liturgy  prove beyond a doubt

The powerful connection between Jews and Jerusalem

Between Israel and Jerusalem

Forgive me but Isn’t this adding fuel to the

Fire? Or lighting the fire?

Sudden potency!


Do Americans have a connection with Washington?

To the Whitehouse; to the Washington monument; to

The Lincoln Memorial?

Do Italians have a connection with Rome

Is London connected to Great Britain ?


When Hamas  bombs Israel

And Israel defends itself It’s called “over reacting”

By that same impotent  UN

When Hamas loses a thousand fighters

In a war of their own choosing

It’s called “disproportional.” killing on Israels part.

As Hamas  bombs rain on Israel’s cities

And IDF soldiers give their lives



Yet the war rages in Syria

And hundreds of thousands are killed

By the very same nations that condemn Israel

Or who abstain

And who now deny our authenticity

And condemn us of overreaction”  as we protect ourselves.

That same UN that claims that the Western Wall of

The Temple is not connected to Jews?

Sudden potency !


Has the world lost its sanity?

Or Is this age old anti-Semitism.?
Or perhaps ״new age״ anti-Semitism ?


Will the Jews ever be accepted

As human

As the rest of the world?


The murder in Syria continues

Refugees still flee

And  crowded tent cities flourish


Or crocodile tears


The UN cries these crocodile tears

And that same UN

Denies israel’s very essence


Am I paranoid?


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