Lee Diamond – The Song of the Jew
We never stopped hoping
We never stopped facing
We never stopped praying
We never stopped dreaming
We never stopped placing it
Above our highest joy
In our furthest diaspora
In hostile lands
And in those welcoming
The words rang true
And from our inner soul
A melody emerged
That captured all hearts
Giving hope to the lost
To the lonely
To the oppressed
And unto the safe
Not about battles
Not about war
Not about rockets
Red glare or
Bombs bursting in air
Not about a flag
Not about conquest!
The hope of 2000 past
Yes Hope
Hope for a homeless
Hope for home.
Hope for JeruSHALAM
Hope for SHALOM
Hope for completion.
Yes. hope for Jews.
Hope for our Homeland
Stolen from us
but always
dreamed redeemed.
Hope to stand on our own
Legs on our own ground
At the gates
Of hope
The Gates of Jerusalem
And the Hope
Of a prophet
For breath
And sinews
And muscles
And rebirth
In a field of
Dry Bones
And now?
The heart beats true
As we stand again
And though just few
Chanting at home
The Song of the Jew