Lee Diamond – The Sad Truth & A Magical Goat
The Sad Truth
American Jewry
Is sadly separating itself
From Zionism and Israel
Their claim?
The present government
Of Israel and it’s policies
Toward the occupied territories!
An alternative claim?
The rejection
Of American liberal Judaism
By the Israeli Government!
The distance is growing
By leaps and bounds.
But such claims are absurd.
They are an excuse.
They hide the truth.
The distance has to do
With another reality.
Americans of the
Jewish persuasion.
The great American Jewish
Diaspora has forgotten
And their right hand
lost its cunning
Their tongues cleave to
The roofs of their mouths
As the psalmist declares
They speak of their President
And forget Jerusalem
They speak of Immigration
And forget Jerusalem
They remember Tikun Olam
But have forgotten Jerusalem
They cry for Gaza
But have forgotten Jerusalem
That ‘pinteleh yid’
The spark that once burned
For all Jews
Now Flickers
As they shed their allegiance
For a foreign God.
The distance is not caused
By any government!
Nor by any policy
Of settlement
Not by a reaction to
Liberal Judaism
The cause has to do
With the Jewish heart
And the Jewish soul
Where the heart beats true
You’ll find the Jew.
As Rי Nachman said
“With Every Step
I’m going to
Eretz Yisrael”
There is no Distance
on this journey
A Magical Goat
A boy follows a magical goat
that leads him from his shtetl straight to the
Land of Israel.
The boy follows this goat
through a cave and comes out near Tzfat,
in Eretz Yisrael.
He is so delighted that he decides to stay.
He sends the goat back to his father
with a note tucked in its ear saying
essentially, “Follow the goat.”
But the father fails to find the note
In grief and rage, He butchers the goat .
Only after the goat is dead
Does the little piece of paper fall out
with its secret message.
The shortcut now lost.
The secret way to
Eretz Yisrael
lost For generations
SY Agnon
From that day
Few found the route
And our hearts grieved
But we prevailed
No goat to lead the way
But we created the “WAZE”
A sign called Mizrach pointing
The Waze
Synagogues facing our Gaze
An unfinished piece of wall at home
A prayer called “vetechezanu enneynu”
Next year In Jerusalem
If I Forget thee O Jerusalem
Always on our Waze
Following Our compass
Our common direction
From the maze
Of our many days
Never lost
From our goal
And then
Came the
new Waze
A new magical goat
That declared
“You have reached your destination”
And we now drink
From the rivers of milk
And trees dripping with healing honey
And it’s AMAZING
Just follow our WAZE