Lee Diamond – The power of Unity & A Body Without A Soul or A soul without a body
The Power of Unity
80 diasporas
30,000 young Jews
In Jerusalem
1,200 Israeli Jews
Each representing their nation
But all standing proudly
In the Jewish nation
To which they belong
Flags of each nation
All escorted by the
Flag of Israel
The Jewish national Flag
Faces as different as the faces
Of the world
But as common as the people of Israel
All beautiful, handsome
And proud to be part of this people
This nation and culture
A “shadchan’s” paradise
Once the Maccabees
Stood up to the rapid hellenization
Of the Jewish people
Under the influence of
Greek Culture
A cultural struggle as well
As a military struggle.
And they won
Today the internal cultural
Struggle persists amongst us
And the battle continues
But the Maccabiah draws
Us into a bond of
Jewish strength
Israel, Jerusalem
Seeking commonality
Seeking unity
Seeking connection
Proudly singing Hatikva
And expressing dedication to
The living Jewish People
עם ישראל חי
A Body Without A Soul or A soul without a body
Is there a Judaism without a God?
Is there a Judaism without Torah?
Is there a Judaism without a Jewish people?
Is there a Judaism without ethics?
Is there a Judaism without prophecy ?
Is there a Judaism without law?
Is there a Judaism without prayer?
Is there a Judaism without study?
Is there a Judaism without Yom Kippur?
Or Pesach/vChanukah etc!
Is there a Judaism without struggle?
Is there a Judaism without hope?
Is there a Judaism without a vision of a better day?
Is there a Judaism without “Tikun”?
Is there a Judaism without education?
Is there a Judaism without life cycle events?
Is there a Judaism without Shma Yisrael?
Is there a Judaism without JEWS?
So how can there be a Judaism without
Eretz Yisrael ?