Lee Diamond – The Messiah hasn’t come, Gaza: Declare Victory, The Ethnic Jew
The Messiah hasn’t come
Nothing is impossible
To the Jew.
There are no limits
To human achievements
Some call this intelligence
Others call it faith
I call it vision
of the better day to come
More than vision
It Is the Commitment to that very better day.
It will not descend
Upon us. NO magic
Nor any amount of prayers
We make for better days
We Make visions happen
By our unwavering
Commitment to an achievable new reality
Messiah never came
For the Jew
Messiah must be carried
On our shoulders
As we escort it
And if he comes
And you’re planting
A sapling tree
Keep planting
For we will seek the next
Messiah and the next.
Every perfection demands
More perfection for us
There Is no limit
To betterment to the Jew
Those who have messiah
May rest
Those who make
Messiah will never relent.
Gaza: Declare Victory
The missiles are flying
The fires are flaming
Destruction is visible
In fields and in tunnels
Gaza is at war
-War for “return”
To an Imaginary
Yet Gaza is at war-
An impossible war
For a an impossible
A war against reality
A war of loss only.
A Massive suicide
Of a “hyped up” nation
Israel is reality
It will never cease
It will always be
As the sea Is ;
As the sky Is ;
As the earth Is.
As the skyscrapers are.
As the F-35s are.
As its youth defenders are.
Gaza: There is no win for you
Gaza: You’re the mosquito
That we scratch! Annoying
But just a scratch for us.
Gaza: come to your senses!
Gaza: You CAN WIN
Gaza: There are no limits
To peace.
Gaza: TRY US
Peace is stronger than any F-35
Any fire
And bullet
Any skyscraper
Any Burnt field.
Any martyr
Don’t surrender
Declare victory
And Join us
for LIFE.
The Ethnic Jew
I’m told that Jewish ethnicity
is dead In America.
I’m told that
It has been replaced
By the Spiritual Jew in
The land of my birth.
I ask myself
Would I be counted
In a minyan
Of spiritual Jews?
Ethnic Jews would
Count me for sure
Among “the minyan”
My mere presence
Would be accepted.
What if my theology
Was challenging ?
What if I wasn’t
Waiting for the Messiah?
Or observant of Halacha?
The ethnic Jew wouldn’t
Ask; indeed wouldn’t care.
But the Spiritual Jew
Would have to reject me
For not seeking the
Devine! For not attempting
To unite with the
But what if I love
The study of Torah
What if I love
My history ?
What if I love
My holy days
But what if I love
The Jewish people
And what if I love
The Hebrew language
And a good joke
About a Rabbi, a Priest
And Minister!
What if I have a Brit
And want my future
Generations to do the
What if I need a Hebrew name?
Because I am
A Jew?
What if I want my children
And theirs
To marry other Jews?
To place a mezuzah
On my door and theirs?
What if I come to Shul
For Jewish fellowship
Ummm — not for spirituality?
Can I be counted in a minyan?
Can I simply be a Jew?
Committed to Jewish
Ethnicity? And be whole ?
What if I worry about
The Jewish people
Day and Night?
Because I am an Ethnic
What if I fear that “Spirituality”
is the real danger
to the future
Of my people?
The Jewish people!