Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – The “Goldene Medina” of Persia

Lee Diamond – The “Goldene Medina” of Persia

Cyrus offered

In 539 b.c.e.

A return home

To Eretz Yisrael

Some 50,000 returned

But all to many

Preferred  the riches

Of Persia.

Carpets and gold,

A vast empire

Trade, agriculture

And security

So secure that we

Became Persian

Through and through

Rose to positions of

Power and Influence.

We forgot

Our language

Our names

And appearance

Crypto Jews

Hiding beneath

Veils of silk

From the Silk Road.

Now The unseen Jew.

Hidden faces

Names of Persian gods

Marduk and Ishtar

Provided invisibility.

A daughter of our

People- now queen

Of the greatest nation

Of its time.

Her Uncle Marduk

Promoting her reign

The golden Medina

But riches and power

Failed Us

An illusion Shattered

Reality spoke

We denied and denied

“Not here in our

Glorious refuge”!

We were Persians

No different

Loyal, contributing

Perhaps amongst the wisest

But a descendant of

The Biblical Amalek


Pulled  the silken carpet

From beneath our

unstable Feet.

Our Persian identity

Our Persian language

Our power

Our security

Dashed to pieces.

By a power seeking

Anti Semite

Attacking like Amalek

From the rear.

We survived

By revealing our identity

We were saved

Because we saw

Our error

Of naïveté

We learned never

To cover our vision

With a veil of

silk and money.

In the meantime

Ezra proclaimed

The Torah

In Jerusalem to those

Who chose Israel

And rejected illusion.

Is the story true?

Not sure.

But the lesson is!

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