Lee Diamond The Ever Changing Jew
* 7 score ago
Our fathers/mothers came upon
A new continent called America
Conceived and dedicated
To the proposition
That they would live
A life of freedom as Jews
In this new world
With a Judaism
Relevant to their
Time and their
“Goldeneh Medina.”
*In 7 score of years
They reinvented
*In 7 score of years
They created a new
Jewish culture
*In 7 score of years
They adopted to a
New Language
* In 7 score of years
They reinvigorated
Their religion
Giving It vitality
To their times
And to their new home.
* In these 7 score
They preserved
They observed
They conserved
They relearned
A Judaism “resurged”
For their day.
Yes! They rejected
The old, the intolerant
The irrelevant
And established the
“Alte Neue” the Old/New Jew
Living in their day
But drawing upon their past.
They were the heroes
Of this time
The pioneers of
Preservation and
And As their people
In the old land
Were tragically decimated
They remained
Creators of
Stubborn continuity
They followed the command
To be A Holy Nation
Never to fail
Nor fall
To idolatry
And their sons and daughters
Recreate themselves till this very day
To preserve “the struggle”
For the Eternal Jew.
“Am Yisrael Chai”