Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – The “Eternity of Israel Shall Not Falter”


Lee Diamond – The “Eternity of Israel Shall Not Falter”

Predictions of doom abound

*“There is no Jewish future!”

*“Intermarriage is at record highs”

*“Few of the children of intermarriage

Are being raised as Jews”

*Birthright has failed to lower

the  statistics of intermarriage”

*Millions are being spent  on

Israel programs

“Disintegration Flourishes”

*BDS is supported by our

very best young Jewish youth”


*“Synagogues are  closing

Or combining”

*Rabbinical schools are empty

*“Jewish education is at an all time low”

*“Ignorance abounds.”

*“Jews are turning their backs

On Israel”


*Israel is off the agenda of all too many diaspora Jews

*Hebrew is a third world language for them

*Many can’t even decode the Aleph Bet


*Israelis are leaving Israel

Or staying in the lands of second choice

*The Government of Israel is  too far right politically

And out of touch with The “religious” world  of American Jewry

*J(ew)Street knows what’s best


*Israelis in America  are not part of the same people.

*They view themselves as different and

*Indeed Are different.

*Israelis in America don’t join synagogues

*They don’t join JCCs

*Their children intermarry more than our own


*They sit on their suitcases but never return home.

*It’s good for them in the “land of silk and money”


All of the above from the “doomers”


It appears that these “doomers” have given up

On us!

They’ve forgotten the world of Hellenism

The world of assimilation

The loss of Hebrew, the adoption of Greek;

The gymnasium; the “de-circumcision”

Of the Jewish Hellenists.




Yet, Jewish history is fraught with challenges

Of change of adjustment

Of new directions.


The Bible is a record of struggle

Of Jew against Jew and against the

Will of God!


The prophets rail against the idolatry of

Their days; against the immorality of

Their time.

Temple versus emerging synagogues


Priests versus prophets

Rabbis versus  Kohanim

Hasidim versus  mitnagdim


Reformers verses traditionalists


In every age  the ‘doomers” shouted

From the highest hill:

“There is no future”

“We are doomed”


Yet here we are——- still predicting doom!

Still here; still fretting

Still worried!


Our Judaism is unique to our day

Nothing like the past!

We’re different but  better

Not only did we survive

But we advanced our civilization

Beyond all expectations

We are the new Jews


And that my friends is

Our deepest secret!

We are not the “descendants of the Jews”

We are the Jews!!


Jews change

Jews adjust

Jews ‘kvetch״ about the present

Because we care deeply about the



There will be a new Generation

And though we might not approve

Or even recognize  this  New Jew


The God of Israel



Because  נצח ישראל לא ישקר

The Eternity of Israel shall not Falter


Let’s Trust in This


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