Lee Diamond – The Endless Jewish hope
Some would judge the Jews to failure
They see the rapid alienation of North American
Jewry from their history and tradition
As a downward cycle with no end in sight.
These very judges see the end of Diaspora Jewry
At hand.
“Intermarriage is our undoing “
“Jewish ignorance is frightening”
“Jewish Peoplehood is no longer”
“ Jewish ethnicity -a thing of the past.”
“The days of common memories –of the past.”
These judges eulogize a once thriving
Jewish Community.
What is missing in their prophecies of doom
Is a faith which always guided and guides us
That is greater than any survey
Or statistic
It’s in fact that very faith that has kept us
Through thick and thin
When reality condemned us to extinction
We rose again
From the valley of
Dry Bones
To become an exceedingly great host
Reuniting and replenishing
By the will of
God and the People of Israel.
For we have an inner and outer strength
That can not be extinguished
Despite ourselves
Despite predictions based on our present reality.
The Jews may look different in this new day
The Jews may count differently in this day
The Jews may act differently in this day
But they will the be Jews of their own world and
And count us as their forbearers
And as they pray
We will be the Abrahams and Sarahs
Of their prayers
And they will be the children of
Struggling with the God of a renewed Israel.
To the judges :
You may want to Change seats from the throne of
To the throne of Mercy
and be humbled by our eternity.