Lee Diamond – The Crusaders of God
In heavy armor they marched
To the Holy Land they came
Like the Romans
Veni,Vidi Vici
They came they saw they conquered
All in the name of God
The infidels to be destroyed
To be replaced by the soldiers of The “true God”
Their swords formed crosses
Along their route
They destroyed Jewish community
One after the other.
Desecration, rape and plunder
Good practice for the task at hand:
The Moslem infidel in the Holy Land
All in the name of God
They built their fortresses
Strategically placed to control
the land and defeat the unholy infidels
All in the name of God
Battle after battle
Victory after victory
And defeat after defeat
The infidel fought valiantly
They too In the name of the God
They too were victorious and
Learned defeat
The Jews in the in Jerusalem
Were burnt alive in their synagogue
To prove the strength of the “savior”
Who died for their sins
The battle of the Gods
The battle for sovereignty
Of the “true God”
The true revelation
They chanted
“Allahu Akbar” (Allah is The Greatest)
“Onward Christian soldiers”
Shemah Yisrael
They chanted as they killed
And we’re martyred
In the name of the “real God”
God and the land were possessions
To hold; to control and to dominate
For “My God is greater then yours”
“Stronger than yours”
“My Testament precedes yours”
“My Koran is final”
Moses, Jesus and Mohammad
And the war continues
Allah and Jesus and the Holy One
As it were
Struggle still for hegemony
Ancient hatreds lead to
Modern wars
Until this very day
And The Creator turns his back
On them, on us
On the competitors
For his ownership
For we create Him in our image
And can’t understand
That the Eternal One
That the Master of the Universe
Can’t be owned or possessed
Why don’t we all perceive
That Holiness is beyond
Religion and war
For He is ONE
And His Name One
War in His Name
Causes Him
To hide His Face
And his countenance
From His very creation
For Creator is ONE
Though the name may vary
His Only
True Name is