Lee Diamond – Post Zionism ?
I’m told that we live
In the period of post Zionism!
Some would say that
Zionism is “Of the Past”
That Zionism served
Our needs when we were
Longing for home.
“We sat by the rivers of
Babylon and we cried
As we remembered Zion.”
Yes we sat
Yes we cried
Yes we remembered
But one day,
We stood upon our feet
And we sang with joyous tears.
“suddenly a man gets up in the morning
And feels that he is a nation and starts to walk,
And to everyone on his way , he says Shalom”
And we continued memory
And that memory
Became our purpose
Our vision
Our direction
Our blueprint
Our design
To redeem that memory
Into a living dream
And as we built
The dream was vitalized
Stone by stone
Brick by brick
In deed and in words
Deed by deed
Word by word.
And the vision persisted
And fired the fuel
Of a new home and
A new society
For an new old Jew.
And If we faltered
We stood again.
If our direction
Strayed from the target
We found the “Waze”
And If we falter to this day
We revamp , recalculate
And return to our direction
The “dest to Nation”
Is Zionism
And we are not post Zionist!
We are on the absolute road called
And even if we tarry
Along the road
We redirect
Because we are following
The deafening heart beat of the Jewish
Soul called