Lee Diamond – One People ?
Have you visited America recently?
Visiting your former home?
Visiting friends or relatives?
The sites of your youth
The school that you attended?
Some of us fired by the inspiration
Of the re emergence
Of the Old/New State
Of a new Jew
Of being where the action was
Of contributing to that spirit
That came with rebuilding
And being rebuilt in the process
Changed our lives
And we influenced the new Jew
And gave of our life experience
To help make the “desert” bloom
With our hands and our hearts and souls.
It wasn’t easy for us
Nor was it easy for our brothers and sisters in the land
To understand us
To absorb us
But we persisted
Because we were and still are passionate
New Jews
Western ideological Jews
Zionists and western halutzim
To the core !
Unable to fashion Anti Zionist or non Zionist
American Jews
Unable to rid ourselves of our Jewish
Reaching higher always
Demanding more of ourselves
Of our state and its leaders
We remain at the center of Jewish action
And never regret where we are
And what we have become!
With all the criticism
We are part of the greatest
Moment in modern Jewish history
So history will declare us
It is here that we forge the Future
Of our nation, the nation of the Jewish people
Yet, have you noticed that when you visit your brothers
And sisters today in the land of “silk and honey”
That they don’t relate to your passion
To the excitement of being a proud Israeli
A New Jew
At the front of the struggle to revitalize
The Jew, the Land and Torah
Yet, Silence is their reaction
We are More than a prayer for Zion
We are More than what was
Or of that which lingers on
As A.B. Yehoshua stated
We live in Jewish skin
Why brothers and sisters have you
Forgotten Jerusalem?
Has your right hand lost its cunning?
Can you still shout from your lips
About The Joy of Jerusalem?