Lee Diamond – Nothing New Under the Sun
Recently the issue of BDS has been rather visible in the media. I find myself cringing as an Israeli Jew at the sight of this unbridled and ignorant Jew hatred. I am even surprised by its vehemence and audacity in its foolish attacks based upon misinformation and disinformation.
Yet I’m not sure why I am astonished by this.
In fact, there is “nothing new under the sun” when it comes to Jew hatred.
Remember Nazi Germany?
Remember Mein Kamph?
Remember Kristalnacht?
Remember the closure of Jewish shops and the signs in the windows:
“Juden’ Don’t buy here.
‘Jews are our misfortune!’
We were accused of being communists
We were accused of being capitalists!l
We needed to be destroyed! First delegitimized; then slandered; then the big lie; then banned and finally destroyed!
There’s no doubt about it!
Anti Semitism is still alive and kicking in full view!
Jew hatred ?
It’s built into the world!l
Why built into the world?
Into the western democratic world?
Into christianity. Yes into Chrustianity ! And Islam!
We can’t escape it. It’s the reality of the world in which we live.
Is it scapegoatism?
Is it hatred of the other ?
Is it religion and the attempt to have the truth?
Is it economics ? Or success?
But something has indeed changed!
We are not the sheep being led to the slaughter anymore. We are a new nation. We are not defenseless. We have the ability to defend ourselves now.. We have the knowledge of the past on our side and we no longer live in a dream world; in a perfect world —in a world which believes that there is no longer anti-Semitism.
We live in a world which has experienced the tragedy of Anti Semitism in our very lifetime. We have seen what anti-Semitism and the viciousness of Jew hatred can do in our world.
We have a Jewish state called Israel where we live in security as Jews. FOR ALL JEWS!
Yes we have our enemies but we know who they are and we know who we are. We’re not naïve anymore. We are the Jewish people
We can stand alone if we must!
We can protect ourselves from the BDSers and their like in our days.
It is time for us to demand and to circulate a list of the BDSers of our time.
It is time for us to boycott them.
It is time for us to divest ourselves from these hateful people.
It is time for Israel to use it’s diplomacy and strength as a Jewish state to defend our people and our nation in whatever way is needed.
It is time for us to stand for ourselves and not wait for the goodwill of the world or of a messiah who will come to save us..
I call upon every Jew and every person of good will to join the struggle against the new anti-Semitism and to stop it before it’s too late for all of us. Let us stop them in their tracks!
This epidemic must be stopped before it destroys us all