Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Not in Heaven

Lee Diamond – Not in Heaven

The God of Israel

Is not in heaven.

The laws of Israel

Are not in heaven.

The Torah of Israel

Is not In heaven.

The Holy one abides

In the details.

The laws of Israel

Are made by Israel

And are infused

With the God of Israel.

The Torah is

For the people

By the people

Of the people

The people of Israel

As the human changes

Moment by moment

As life changes


So too the Torah


Changes for the

People of Israel

To deny change is

To deny the dynamism

Of Torah

Always growing

Always expanding

To meet the way

Of the people of


WE, the people of Israel

Must bring the

God of Israel

Into the details of

Our lives today.

Never to live in the past

But to make the present

Our future.

To allow the God of Israel

To enter our lives.

I say no to Orthodox Judaism

I say no to Conservative Judaism

I say no to Reform Judaism

I say no to Reconstructionist


I say a resounding

YES to



For the God of Israel

For the Torah of Israel

And for the People of Israel 




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