Lee Diamond – Never Enough & That Very Thin Line
Never Enough
I’m told that Israel became a nation
When we crossed the sea
But I’m told that even If the sea
had not opened for us it would have been
I’m told that if we just stood before the.
Smoky mountain
Without receiving the Torah
This would have been enough
That If we never entered Eretz Yisrael
That, that too would have been enough
But I ask
Why Would it have been enough
To be a nation
Without a Torah and
Eretz Yisrael?
Why are we so humble
Why can’t we demand more
Why allow ourselves
To stand before a fiery mountain
Empty handed
Why travel to our goal of
The promised land
And remain in the wilderness
And accept our incomplete
Status —
why are we willing
–Willing to settle for so little
When we deserve so much more
The promise of Torah
The promised land
The promised people
No Sir
These are not up for negotiation
Remember Us?
We’re the Jews!
We’re stubborn
You said: “Demand
Justice” ….. And reach higher !
That Very Thin Line
When does a Jew cease to be one?
When does s/he cross the line?
When can he/ she no longer
Be counted among us or allowed to be married Within the fold.
חרם or excommunication Is hardly an option today.
Although such punishment was allowed
For Spinoza! And others.
But when a Jew damages his/her people
By denying its right to be
By defacing the name of Israel
People or state
Publicly and among the nations
Can this not be viewed as treason
To the Jewish people?
If words kill
If words can lead to delegitimization
Of the land
Or the people
If this hostility
Damages or destroys ..
Is this none other
Than high treason?
Worthy of separation
From the people and the land?
Not included in a minyan of 10.
Or citizenship?
Are we so timid
That we fear minimal loyalty.?
Freedom of speech you say?
Every Jew can speak his truth,
You say?
Write his thoughts you say.
No matter the consequences
To the people If Israel?
Traitors and treason are defined
By every nation!
They are “outed” by every religion
And every state worth it’s weight in democracy.
What about self respecting Jews
Worth our weight in pride and
Who are Greater than all renegades
Who’ve crossed that very thin line
We matter too!
photos: likesuccess.com, El-spice – blogger