Lee Diamond – Negation of the Diaspora
I’m very tired of being politically correct.
The words ״שלילת הגלות״ or “rejection of
Jewish life in the diaspora” have become
unfashionable and unacceptable.
So we in Israel walk lightly, as if on eggs, when
Dealing with the diaspora.
Israel sends shlichim, educators,
Community workers and youth to connect with the diaspora!
Birthright programs subsidize experiences
For young Jews.
Israel subsidizes these programs
The Jewish agency supports youth
On Israel trips for education or for fun!
All of this is to connect
To build a bridge
To unite
To share and learn from one another
To strengthen Jewish
We dare not mention the failure
Of the American Jewish community
To maintain itself.
We dare not mention the shocking
Statistics of intermarriage
Of depleting membership in Synagogues
We must be careful about stating that
There are more Non Jews attending
Synagogues and JCCs than Jews.
Yet it’s all true!
We need to support; to understand the sociology;
To stroke; to accept; to reach out
To encourage and to open our tent wider and wider
I’m told that JCC directors are not all Jewish and
That soon Rabbis may not be Jewish.
Acceptance is the command of the moment!l
So I too accept for Jewish unity and the Jewish future.
BUT acceptance must be two ways
For the same Jewish future
I will, not tolerate ״diaspora rejection of Israel״
שלילת ישראל
The very concept of Jewish Anti Zionism
Or Anti Israel Jews
Is a offense;
A contradiction in terms:
And a total rejection of Judaism!
Whether these rejectors be Ultra Orthodox
Or be they from the liberal Jewish world.
There is no Judaism without Zionism and Israel
Just as there is no Judaism without God and
Protest as they must, Jews who reject Zionism and Israel
Have placed themselves “OUT” of the Jewish community!
Jews have abandoned their community throughout our history.
Jews have even been excommunicated during our history.
Jews have so assimilated at times that they vanish.
And this too may happen in our day.
When we say “Next Year In Jerusalem”
At our Seder
Or at the conclusion of Yom Kippur
We mean business! This is our essence!
Like it or not!
To the weak of heart
To the rejectors
To the assimilated or assimilating beyond repair
Without being politically correct
I say
As a Jew
And an Israeli
Bon Voyage
Your always welcome home
If you ever deem to step back in!
Lee Diamond, rabbi