Lee Diamond – My Dybbuk
Dedicated to my children
It won’t let me go
It possesses me
It holds my very breath
My soul
I try to flee it
With all my strength
But its claws grasp me
From within
At every second and every
I want to be released
To have this dybbuk exorcized
From within
I suffer
And I’m dragged down by this
Creature, this Dybbuk
I need help
Even at this late point!
The antidote to dispel
The “anti bracha”
The curse to tear it out of my
Captured soul.
It’s called “Golus” or “Galut”
It’s called the “exile mentality”
I ran from it
Changed my location
Left it behind
As I travelled worlds
And languages
And aged away from it
But as much as I left Golus
It never left me
It has entrapped me
Golus holds me in its
As my days come to a close
I wish to release
Myself from its grasp
I want to be just an Israeli
And not burdened
By Diaspora
Diaspora is “geihenom”
The place of child sacrifice
To a foreign god called molech.
A god called Golus.
I need an “exorciser”
Who will reach into my soul
And extract Golus from me.
I came here to be free
My kids are free
Their entire generation
Is free
Because Golus can’t
Survive in a pure
Israeli soul
But my infection
Was born in fertile
Exile soul
And it survives
And condemns
Me to its grasp.
Replanting my soul
To the soil of Israel
Didn’t eliminate
My diaspora born Dybbuk
It must be such a joy
To breath the air
Of Israel
Without the weight of
The Jewish people on my shoulders
On our shoulders
Let the Israeli stand tall
Shoulder above shoulder
Never to be burdened
Never to crouch
Never to slouch
By this burden
“Be strong and of good courage”
You native born, you free souls
You new Jews
You disease free Israelis
“Because the place upon which
You stand upon today
Is holy.”
image dybbuk from easystreetmag.com