Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – M.O.T. And Tribalism & Never Again

The Bat Mitzvah girl and Rabbi Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – M.O.T. And Tribalism & Never Again

M.O.T. And Tribalism

We called ourselves


We were the in-group

“Members of the tribe”

A self complement

An awareness

Of our uniqueness

Of Our differences

To be tribal

gave us Pride

Every one of us


“I’m proud to be a Jew!”

Of course an American

But not melted

In the melting pot

Of empty unanimity

Our friends were MOTs

Our relatives were MOTs

Our schools largely MOTs

Our summer camps for MOTs

Our food, our holidays

Our jokes


Steeped in tribalism

And it was only good

And it was evening and it was morning in culturally pluralistic


But we wanted to be like them

Not different nor unique

But the same in all—

Americans in essence

Jews by belief

Americans of Tikun Olam Persuasion!

Tribalism became

A denigrating Term:

“the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to one’s own tribe or social group, became our undoing.”

And the MOTs

Ceased to be

And we disintegrated

And became politically


And no longer

“Proud Jews.”

And it was evening

And it was morning

And Jewish ethnicity



Never Again

Those days are gone, I’m told!

The “Never Again” Israeli Jew

Has ceased to be.

The Shoah complex

No longer guides us.

We have outgrown

The fear of annihilation.

I’m told

The new Israeli carries

No such burden.

S/He Is liberated

From a tragic past.

Unburdened , confident

Of a secure future

In the old new land.

I’m told .

So That makes me an

antique, a remnant of

A former, frightful Jewish past.

I’m told

“Only politicians building

Themselves upon fear” declare

The phrase “Never Again”

Only those who still remember

Auchwitz declare “ Never Again “

I’m told

The new NORMAL Jew sees only

A brave new Israel.

And yet

Despite it all, I’m burdened.

Weighed down

Hunched over

With sobriety

Fearful that forgetting

Will be our undoing.

Why do we mention

The exodus from Egypt

At every occasion ?

“We were slaves

And the Lord

redeemed us”

Why not just bless

Our freedom

And reject the burden

Of a tragic past?

Why mention Egypt

The splitting of a sea

Wandering In an empty


Why not Forget:

 “Never Again”

No longer dwell

On slavery

But on the phrase

“Now we are Free.”

I declare to the New Israeli:

It’s time to be Jews


Abandoning our historical

Experiences— leave us weakened

Perhaps unburdened

But too empty

To stand erectly.

Israel without memory

Need not Be!

Jews without

Egypt or Auchwitz

Cease to be Jews!










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