Lee Diamond – Like a body without a Soul Or Like a soul without a body
“Im a Jew
But not a Zionist”
Or “I’m a Jew
But not very “Jewish”!
Or ‘I’m not religious
I’m reform!”
Just as Reform Judaism
Is religious
Just as all Jews are Jewish
So too, there is no such thing
As Judaism without ZIONISM
It’s the body which houses the soul
Of Israel!
Zionism is as old as Genesis
We are commanded to leave our
And To go to the land
That He showed us.
To settle in Israel from the
Day of Our Birth!
Lech lecha
‘Gur baAretz hazot”
Live in this land!!!!!!!
Can a Jew deny the Torah?
Can a Jew reject the covenant
But Torah is nonetheless, Judaism
No matter his/her objection.
Zionism means Jewish center
Zionism means Jewish connection
Zionism means that
We are One
As God is One
And that is our
There are those of us
who deny Zionism
Deny Judaism
Deny commonality
Deny our center
Shemah Yisrael
Without a center
We can’t be!
We fall and falter
Without balance
Without finding
Our center
Like standing on one foot forever.
Zionism is our direction
Zionism is our glue
Zionism is the land
We stand upon.
Two feet solidly
Standing firmly
On our soil and
With our common soul
Zionism is ethnicity
Zionism is our unique culture
Zionism is as essential to
As Sinai was and is
To a Jew
Golah is loss of direction
Without a compass
No north
No East
And to those who chose
To forfeit
And follow a different
Your choice !
But don’t redefine
Our direction
As a nation
As A people
As Am Yisrael
As a nation
Of flesh and Blood
“If we forget Thee Zion
We lose our cunning
And speech
If it isn’t above our
Highest Joy”