Lee Diamond – Light and Tunnels
We’re told that we’re to Be
“A light unto the nations”
By our actions
We’re to demonstrate
En”light”enment —
To show The inner light
Contained in the
Universe—the light of the
We’re to be examples
Of that light
Thus illuminating
The darkness and black smoke
that covers our polluted world.
Yet every Israeli knows
That when we see
Light at the end of the tunnel
It’s often a train
Speeding toward us.
To trample any light
To destroy it
And to burn the smoke
Of tires to blacken
Light and vision and
Delight and Hope
How can one strike a match?
How can one light the flame?
In the darkness
of hatred
For the vision
and the visionary
Some try to see—
To declare the light
yet Some seek to blacken
The sky
Of any hope
We must
Shine the light
Upon ourselves
And on the ugly
The haters and the hatred
And we must be brighter
Than their darkness
We must be
“For out of Zion shall go forth the