Lee Diamond – “KEEP THE LID ON”
It’s a Pandora’s box
Keep it closed
“Sha Shtill”
The less said about it
The better
The content of the box
Is bitter and consuming
Some would deny the box
They prefer to claim acceptance
“There is no Jew hatred”, they claim
“We’ve changed to be like them”
“We’ve become them”
“There is no difference
Some say otherwise–
Call it what it is!
Under the surface anti semitism
Now released
Now fashionable
Left and Right ask:
“Are Jews people?”
Shout it from the highest hills
Remember our silence
Of yesteryear?
As the pandora s box
Overflowed and consumed
An entire continent
An entire Jewry!
Even the German Jews
Denied and wore their
Arianism with pride
Until stripped naked
Revealing the naked truth
And a yellow star!
Sha Shtill?
Keep the box sealed?
Stuff it closed?
Sit on it?
Reveal it
Deny it?
Declare it?
Defeat it quietly?
Shout it from the rafters?
Speak of it when sitting down, rising up
When walking by the way
When lying down?
My fellow Jews
If you are still alive
If you’re not hiding
No matter left or right
You’re not the same as them
And that box is leaking
The Jew hatred seeps
From the hinges
And we stand half naked
Before the age old affliction
Of diseased disdain
For us!
Yes Us!
All of us.
We may not see our differences
We may see ourselves as part
Of them
But they see US
And know that we are different
No matter our protest
They are fanning the flames
As the box breaks forth
And the content encompasses
The very air breathed by all
And it’s infectious /Viral!
Sha Shtill?