Lee Diamond – Keep it very brief people may show interest
“Brexit”, without noticing it changed our world in so many ways! Not only the world of GB.
Hardly had some of us adjusted to this concept of a united Europe and it was voted out!
3 months seemed to be ample time to introduce this world shattering referendum and complete the process.
Short and sweet and to the point .
The will of the people was determined and a major institution such as a united Europe destroyed.
Take a deep breath and decisions are made in a leading democracy.
But not in the USA
At least a year!
A year of primaries!
A year of appearances.
A year of outdoing the others.
A year if distorting the truth.
A year of insults and semi truths
A year of avoiding real issues.
A year of subterfuge.
Which bathrooms do LGBT people use?
Guns are the cause of Islamic murder! Not Islamic hatred —not Jihad and vicious murder
The issue of a religious crusade in Orlando had been transformed into a LGBT issue .
Candidates love taking on these “pretend” issues to win voters.
Last elections were about abortion and pro lifers! What happened to this subterfuge ?
And this tripe and attempted mind control continues to be the nature of American elections.
Where are the Proud and the free?
Why don’t they climb the barriers and demand to take the law back into their powerful hands?
More than a year of this nonsense
Billions upon billions spent for Power!
And you America allow this,
And you get no power. And you get no billions!
And your elections are rigged.
By the billionaires and the powerful.
In the end they create your agenda.
Tell you what the issues to vote for!
And perhaps act differently once in power!
Why not seriously shorten the entire process to no more than 3 months? I repeat
Why not shorten the whole process to 3 months including primaries and elections.
We will save billions upon billions. The government will function. The lawmakers will need to do their job.
These billions can be used to create the America that we dream of. To close the social divide And perhaps allow for dedicated and capable candidates.
But taking control, demands of you to not be fooled by the power seekers who are dictating the issues you discuss and distorting Islamic religious violence by claiming the issue is guns,
To close the deep social crises
To provide for human rights of all citizens
To support our real friends in this world
To seek peace
To remember the words written on the base on the
Statue of Liberty:
Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free
…….I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
To provide Liberty and Justice for All –American style
Now you America need to
Keep it short
Lee Diamond
A Jew
An American
An Israeli