Lee Diamond – Jewish Power
We learned to live
Over centuries of Exile
As the “butt of the nations” ( Leon Pinsker)
Subservient, accepting of our lot.
Anti Semitism deemed an
Incurable Disease.
The wandering Jew
Our status
Thankful for the gift
Of residence in temporary
Lands of refuge.
Appreciating our acceptance
Accepting minority status
With humility
We proved our loyalty
With accomplishments
In all spheres.
Indeed a blessing
To the lands of refuge.
Yet Deep In our hearts
We knew that Jewish strength
Could boomerang toward us
The Jewish diaspora
feared power.
But One Day
there arose
A new Jew
Tired of begging
Tired of bowing
To acceptance
And to butt breaking
A Jew who could straighten
His/her back and wear pride
On its chest.
With honor and glory
As Its badge of strength
A Jew who denied that
Anti Semitism
Was incurable
A Jew who was equal among the
And no longer
It’s tragic Shylock
Israel is this “new Jew”
Israel is power
Israel is Jew power
Israel is no longer
The butt of the nations
But kicks the butt of its
Defamers. No longer
Bowing to its enemies
And even friends
But wears Jewish skin
Triumphantly on its
Chest and stars of
David proudly
Upon its Lapels.
Israel is not fearful
As some of it’s diaspora is
Israel need not cower
For a place under the sun.
Jewish Power must be Jewish
Jewish Power can not be unchecked
Jewish Power must based upon
Jewish morality
Jewish values
But Jewish Power can say “NO”
To Jewish cowardice; to
Jewish enemies
And to Jew hatred.
And so it should.