Lee Diamond – Jewish Memorial Day ?
It’s the eve of Israel’s Memorial Day–Yom ha Zikaron. for all of those who have fallen in Israel’s struggle for existence. Although there have been numerous battles, there has been one continuous war.
The fallen fought in this battle for statehood.
Till this day, the battle rages.
Till this day our children, our young –continue to risk their lives for Jewish independence.
Unlike Trumpledor who is reported to have stated: “it’s good or worthwhile to die for our land” —
Our young men and women only want to defend their home or is it the Jewish people’s home?
Quiet has descended upon the nation.
Places of entertainment are closing now.
Restaurants locking their doors
TV is ending its regular broadcasts.
Soon we hear the names of all the fallen read on public broadcasts—
—Interviews with mourning parents and mourning wives and children.
Soon We will hear the poem : the “Silver platter” by Natan Alternan declaring that:
“This independence is not given to us without a heavy cost.”
An entire nation bows its head
No sales on this Memorial Day
No picnics
Yitgadal Vi Yitkadash on so many lips because we’ve all lost loved ones and they us,
Is this Kaddish recited only in the Jewish State?
Is this Kaddish only for Israelis? By Israelis?
Or Is this Kaddish for the Jewish people?
—Who have only one national Jewish home?
Did these young kids die for their borders or for their people?
Who is to declare the painful words of mourning?
Who cries and shares the pain of an emptiness—so deep?
Is it just those who live in this Jewish state?
Or is it the Jew everywhere who has a home to return to when s/he needs or wants to?
Does the Jew critical of Israel need to share in the grief of this nation? Or maybe just find our faults?
Does the ultra Orthodox Jew need to mourn those who protect them daily? Yet they refuse To share the burden?
Does the diaspora Jew understand that this is not a political issue —
But a day of his/ her/ Our/ OWN pain.
For all of our protectors ?
WE are all the silver platter upon which Israel is served
“Let the rest in Israel’s chronicles be told.”