Lee Diamond – Jewish Ignorance
Bibi deserves to be criticized!
His policies are narrow
And without Zionist vision
He fas failed the Jewish people
Time and time again!
Yet the distancing of Diaspora Judaism has nothing to
Do with Israel’s government nor
It’s policies.
Israel is our only Jewish State.
Throughout millennium we
Longed for her.
Her arrival was a miraculous gift
Of God and the Jewish people.
We’ve had leftist, centrist and rightist governments in Israel, yet
We’ve remained the only Jewish State! For distant and Israeli Jews.
Israel is the only secure place on earth for the Jewish people
Israel is the only place where a Jew can hold his/her head high! As a JEW.
Israel is the only place on earth where a Jew speaks Jewish! (yes Hebrew is Jewish through and through)
Israel is the only place on earth where Jews celebrate their history and holidays every day and passing minute.
We are educated Jews in Israel
Yes the “secular Israelis” are very well educated Jewishly!
Our national history
Our language
Our weekly and annual rhythm
And our anthem
Are Jewish.
Diaspora Jews are “part time”
They claim that Israel’s government
And policies distance them from The Jewish State.
Nonsense!!! Absolute nonsense!
The Truth is that the fault of distancing between Israel and the Jewish diaspora lies in
The Jewish Diasporas
Frightening IGNORANCE
Never before in our history
Have we known such ignorance
It’s this Self chosen Jewish ignorance
This continuing search for a
Different Identity
For acceptance in their environments that makes for
From Judaism and Zionism and Israel.
But fear not, my fellow distancing Jewz
Israel has your back?
Right Left and Center Israel
Won׳t forget you!
Because we are Jews.