Lee Diamond – Israel – Saving the Environment
To the credit of our globalism
And in responsibility to the world
In which we live
We have committed ourselves to live with nature
Rather than simply to use nature for our benefit
Harmony of nature and man, we’ve discovered,
Is the rule of life in this universe
However we all too often forget about harmony between humans
Which is less easily measured scientifically
and requires more than
Separating our trash.
And dealing with global warming.
Globalism has brought us together on this planet
We communicate easily with our world
But globalism has not fostered humanism.
Globalism and environmentalism has not
Influenced the wars between people
Globalism has not curtailed religionism!
Crusades and Jihad are alive
And destroying as in centuries before environmentalism
And globalism.
We separate our plastic; we preserve paper;
We preserve for our physical world
And we carry out crusades and jihad
In order to gain control over the very world that we wish to save
Let us live in harmony with the world
With nature
And let us preserve humanity
By words and deeds
Let’s separate
Separate the use of each other
Separate the abuse of one another
And preserve humanity for our future
And that of our children.