Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Israel at 70 and Never Again

Lee Diamond – Israel at 70 and Never Again

Israel at 70


A magic number

Seventy is equal

To “ayin” in the Hebrew


Ayin like Israel is


But ע is also




שמע ישראל

Hear with your “ayin”

With your eyes

O Israel

It’s taken us 70 years

To understand and see

And hear the miracle

O Israel

A miracle by the Jew; of the Jew ; and for the Jew.

Given by the Divine

And built by the sublime

Nation of Israel.

We recreated our ancient language

Shema now Means “ hey there—

Listen Buddy”

We created a formidable

Defense, the IDF

We created a beautiful youth

Unlike any other

We cultivated the potential

Of a living earth

We developed science

Literature , art, music, mathematics , high tech

Built new social models

And buildings to reach God’s


And that God touched our

Outreaching hand

And we clasped it

And transformed ourselves

Into a proud and glorious

Nation/ State YisraEl

As we stand at attention

Honoring the best of our

Youth who were sacrificed

For this vision

We stand at attention for

The work of OUR hands

While grasping the hand of God.

God bless our clasp

God bless our budding youth

May God steer us on

In a mutual



Never Again

Words that define us today

Words repeated for generations

Words that reflect a bitter past

And vows of determination

For a better present

And a guaranteed future

It took us time

to shout this from the highest rafters

It took the will of survivors

To find the strength and faith

To “reJewvinate”

our collective spirit

And to guarantee

This phrase

Of “Never Again”

We had no choice

We built the highest buildings

We built cities and collectives

We built bodies and souls




Questioning but Just

And With the pride

That dismissed

The image of weakness

And pleading for life

We became the Maccabees of old

And the Samson’s of the present

No more walls

To crumble

Upon us

But walls of Just Jewish defense

They don’t understand

We will never surrender again

We are here to stay

Nothing will move us

No march

And no burning tires

No threats of continuation

We are forever.

They think of us

As a crusader state here today

And gone with the wind tomorrow

The Jews are home again

Home to stay

No need to try us!

In Tel Aviv

In Nahal Oz

In Kfar Saba

And in Israel’s eternal


In Jerusalem

“Jerusalem Jerusalem

I will never move from here

Jerusalem Jerusalem

Let the Messiah come

Let peace reign Supreme





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