Lee Diamond – Islam and Western Naiveté
The western mind will never grasp this. The concept of a religious state is not in our conceptual vocabulary. While many western states have religious groups and believers, the idea of a state ruled by religion is totally foreign to most.
ISIS means Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.
This is not a faith group proposing a way of belief in a Divine!
It is an issue of power and control.
It is a statement that there is only one religion is true and that it is the will of God that this religion be followed by all.
It is a clear declaration that the “power brokers” of God must rule this world.
There is no compromise with this world view.
Jihad (religious war) to achieve this goal is a command “from on high” and an article of faith that all believers must accept; and non believers must be subjected to.
There is no separation of state and “mosque” nor is there acceptance of the other, but a requirement to fight and win the battles in the ultimate war for Allah.
The western person conceives of Islam as a religion amongst religions; as a way to God–But certainly not the only way. The Islamic mind has no concept of varying ways to the same monotheistic God. It’s a Monotheistic Monolithic route!
When the western mind encounters this monolithic theocratic mindset, it can’t help but understand it as another faith amongst faiths and equally as legitimate as their own faith as long as the route leads to a supernatural monotheistic God.
But Islam and its warriors see only one truth; one route–as legitimate! Their way or no way.
Although I am not a supporter of Donald Trump, he “he gets it.” He sees the reality of Islam and its principles of faith. Islam carries within its very articles of faith a command for Jihad to conquer the world with its warriors–whether these warriors be called ISIS, Al Keida, Hamas, Hizbalah or warriors of a different name but of the same world view. That is why Islam can not tolerate criticism in any form and must decapitate those who dare to struggle against it.
This struggle began with the emergence of Islam in the 7th century and has continued throughout the centuries till this very day.
Unless the west protect itself with its own awareness
Unless the west declare that it denies vehemently the exclusivism of Islam and its followers-
There can never be hope for coexistence
Unless we meet this claim with strength and not with western naiveté the war will rage . Bombs alone will not defeat fundamentalism . Only firm understanding of western values and commitment to them at all costs will wine war against Jihad.