Lee Diamond – Is anything ok
My parents taught me to say: ‘thank you to the nice man” when given a gift!
*Obama just gave us 33 billion dollars and we criticize him for not being a friend.
*Obama gave us the Iron Shield which saved israel in our last war with Hamas
* Obama flew to Peres’ funeral expressly to mourn for an Israeli leader.
The president of the world’s greatest power consoled Israel for its loss
And they criticize him
And more
Settlements are our undoing
We taunt the world with their increase and expansion
And when friends criticize us for self destruction
We call them enemies
We have become unworthy
And selfish and childish
And unable to see friends
Who worry about our self destructive tendencies
And our ultimate safety
We have become ingrates
We undermine our friends
And seek out alternative friends elsewhere
–Who may well become our enemies
As they seek to destroy democracy
And prefer racism.
Instead of telling the nice man
how much we appreciate him
The Jewish soul
Has lost it’s cunning
It would seem that the start up nation
Has taken giant steps backward
Our tongues are glued to the roofs
Of our mouths
We no longer speak with clarity or
We are becoming the pariah
Of the world
Is this our new Zionism?
Our “right” hand’s strength is lost
In futility.
The story is told of 4 Jewish women in a restaurant in Miami.
The waiter asks them
“Is Anything Ok ladies?”
Are we our own best friend?