Lee Diamond – Inspiration
Some call It a muse
Some call It a breath
Some call It a guardian angel
From on high
Some are affected by it
Often changed by it
Buber refers to it as as
As I/Thou
Or I Eternal/Thou
You can’t request it
Nor prepare for it
It’s a gift of
Unknown origin
Arriving in its own time
You will never see It
It’s ethereal
Yet capturing
And real
The moment produces
And you never recover
Its influence pervades
Like a bright light
From within
To without
You breathe in and it breathes out
Someone once declared:
“I saw the radiation
On your face
Your face shone
Like Moses descending
Star struck “
Alive like never before
Or since
A vision
Of “Insight”
It leaves you
But as never before
A “Malach Elyon”
A messenger
From the King of Kings
Embracing the soul
And All of us
Yes All
Are inspired
By the “Spirit”
It’s Soul Speak