Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – “If I’m Not For Myself” (Hillel)

Lee Diamond – “If I’m Not For Myself” (Hillel)

Often quoted

Yet hardy noted

“If I am not for myself

Who will be for me?”

Instead so many prefer

The continuation:

“And if I’m only for myself

Who am I?”

How can the Latter ever  supersede

The Former?

None can help another

Without being oneself

Selflessness Is foolhardy

Selflessness is emptiness

It’s “loving the enemy”

In lieu of self

When my people deny themselves

In reaching out to their own enemy

To: JStreet



And find the good

In these declared enemies

They are nothing but hollow


Servants of others gods

Worshipers of a master called Baal

They are

“Fixers of the world”

Who are self flagellators




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