Lee Diamond – I don’t get it!
A native born American Moslem
Enters into a nightclub
In Orlando
Calls the police declaring “Allahu Akbar”
Allah is Great
Withdraws his rifle
Kills 49 innocents
And is then killed himself!
All In a tragic act of killing for Allah
And the result
A war of words between political parties
About guns and rifles
About protecting this fascist’s religion
And that of his fellow religionists
From guilt!
Don’t mention Allah
Call him God
It’s less offensive
Less insulting to Islam!
Less provocative!l
49 innocent Americans slaughtered
By a declared Moslem who called upon Allah
To help punish the heathens
And we fret about offending his religion
And his people.
It’s free access to guns and weapons that caused this!!!
It’s the sexuality of the innocents at the club!!!
That caused this
It’s the sexuality of the killer that caused this!!!!!
Hidden documents to protect Islam!
LGBT rights and support is the issue they claim.
Guns? LGBT rights and support?
Sensitivity to Allah and his religionists?
Freedom of religion?
It’s so Simple and obvious
We can not allow politicians to play with our minds
This was an act of a vicious crusade , a “Jihad” of Islam in the name of Allah
“Who is Great”
Against the infidels
Who are the infidels this time
It’s not guns or rifles
Nor Sexuality
Nor one crazy believer
It’s You America
You’re the target of Allahu Akbar