Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Goldberg; Cohen ; Hakim; Levi

Lee Diamond – Goldberg;  Cohen ; Hakim; Levi

Hard to explain

The film ends

Everyone rises to leave

I continue to stay seated


Reading the names

And credits

Actors and filmmaker

The sound people and musicians

Technical and effects people


Searching the names

For “lanzmen! MOTs”

For Jewish names!


Now Everyone’s gone

From the theatre.

Cleaners are at work

And I’m still sitting!

And searching


Very strange


As I read of a tragedy

Reading  the list of names

But  my eye stops

At certain names

–Jewish names—

I know them!

Ashkenazic or Sephardic

I recognize them

As if they were my own.


Open any book

Open any page

If the word Jew

Appears on the open pages

I can point to it

Without reading the page

It jumps off the page

At me!!!!.


Jewish athletes

Attract my attention!

Jewish politicians cause me to

Read about them

Learn about them and

consider supporting them




Jews in danger:

I worry

Jews who need help

Cause  me real pain

And motivation to act.

To contribute

To do something


Jewish symbols

Magen David

A Chai חי:

A Menorah


A talit

An Israeli flag

A painting or photograph

Of a Jewish scene

I’m transformed and stop!

Look and  Appreciate!


Am I so narrow?

So ethnocentric ;

So self focused?


Where is my value of  “other?”

Where is my sense of human concern?

Why am So insular?


I’m embarrassed!


But I’m a Jew

An Ethnic Jew

Through and Through



I surrender

To my ethnicity

For its my essence!

And my world.


Yes I’m out of step

Ethnicity is “out”

Spirituality is “in”


But If only other Jews would

Continue to sit with me

After the movie!


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