Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – For these Sins על חטא

Lee Diamond – For these Sins על חטא

For the sin that We have committed

By abandoning the Jewish people

For the sin that We  have committed

By rejecting our fellow Jews

For the sin that We have committed

By allowing anti semitism flourish

For the sin that We have committed

By disregarding our recent past

For the sin We have committed

By hiding from the truth and burying our heads in the sand.

For the sin that We have have committed by seeking alternative ethnic acceptance and forgetting our own

For the sin that We have committed

In thinking that it is “My way or No way .”

For the sin that We have committed

By choosing Jewish ignorance.

For the sin that We have committed

By rejecting the land of Israel

For the sin that We have committed

By denying Zionism as elementary

To Judaism.

For the sin that We have committed

By transforming Judaism into religion or belief only.

For the sin that We have committed

By not counting other Jews  in our minyan

For the sin that We have committed

By allowing for foolish sectarianism to define us as Jews.

For the sin that We have committed

By forgetting Zion

For the sin that We have committed by

Forgetting the Jewish diaspora

For the sin that We have committed

By failing to face Jerusalem

For all these Sins and others

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