Lee Diamond – Fast for our Past
I remember
Can never forget
A fabric of woven memories
Form my identity
These memories hold me
They are unrelenting
The very cellular structure
Of the Jew!
The Jew doesn’t need to be
Commanded to remember
We live our past, daily!
And If we by chance
Have a junior moment
Or a senior moment
If the fabric of our being
Unravels at times
The world reminds us
Who we are!
Though we try at times to forget
It’s not God who reminds us
It’s the rest of His creations
It’s the international organizations
It’s the Jew hatred
In the hearts of our fellow humans
“Hey Jews , don’t push it
Hey Jews, don’t try to be like us
Hey Jews, stop mistreating the
Poor Palestinians.”
“Jerusalem isn’t yours!
Not your capital city
Nor even your Wall.”
Or your holy mountain”
“Hey Jews, shape up or ship out”
“Keep the balance
Or Imbalance will rule!
And we the people with living memory
Still seek acceptance
Into a world of selected
Or corrupted memory
Which disregards us
And dismisses our rite and right
To climb the ladder Of Jacob/Israel
Remember however
That We are
Made of Memory
We Jews
Are still here
Because of Memory