Lee Diamond – Democracy: Israel Style
The day was called a Shabbaton.
A National Sabbatical for all.
Just as Shabbat is a national
Institution in Israel
Just as holidays are national
Institutions in Israel
Just as Yom Kippur is national day
Of Israel
So was municipal Election Day
In our country
Jews voted, Druze voted
Moslems voted, Christians voted,
All for the candidates that they
Chose for their villages, town and cities.
The voting rooms had reps
Of all parties overseeing
An election supervisor
A private booth with names of parties
Or candidates to choose from
An envelope to pace your chosen
Slip in
And an election box with
A slit for entering your vote.
But best Of all
Was that many parents brought
Their children into the voting booth
And had the children
Insert the envelope
In the voting box.
What an place Israel is.
For me this Is democracy at its best.
Did someone once refer to this as apartheid?