Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Damn It and the Lost Tribe of Israel



Lee Diamond – Damn It and the Lost Tribe of Israel

Damned  if we do and damned if we don’t!


In the city of slaughter, Chaim Nachman Bialik  declared our desolate status:

As we stood by as our wives and mothers and daughters were raped

By the Cossack beasts

We didn’t fight but we hid in the rafters and peeked


And when the ravage ended, we asked our Rabbis if our women were still pure to us?

Note: we asked the rabbis, not ourselves and not our women

Purity concerned us most.

Not the crime perpetrated against us—them

We must have sinned

And God must have punished us!


We waited for the rabbis answer

Waited and waited

This is our fate as Jews—   to Wait


Yes we were the “Butt of the nations” as Pinsker stated

Gods will?

Our sins?

The rabbis deliberated and waited and waited

We were damned by all for our cowardice


And then we broke the chains crippling us

And asserted our primal scream

And shouted for the world to hear

We aren’t your butt damned world

We are the descendants of the Maccabees

And we will arise to relight the Menorah


And we stood together as an exceedingly great nation

And Maybe it was God at our side or back

Or maybe we had guts instead of butts

Or maybe we were tired of waiting

For the rabbis “hechsher”


What a nation ?

No longer peeping from the rafters

We stood firm against all odds

War after war–all for independence

And the war continues

And we continue to stand firm

No longer cowering before the new Cossacks

No butts about it

We have arisen to meet all foes

Be they in the halls of Europe

Be they knifers in the hills and valleys and plains

Be they BDSers

Or frightened Jews on college campuses

Afraid of their ethnicity, yet hardly Jewish

Or anti Semites who abound –and sneer and perhaps fear our ability to protect ourselves and no longer. Willing to be their butt!

So now we have power.


But now we are attacked for our ability to defend ourselves

You see when Jews defend themselves, it is referred to as “disproportionate’

When America, France, Belgium, Germany and Russia bomb an invisible enemy

Of their own

This is


And medals are awarded

And the enemy lingers on

And tens upon tens of thousands die

As justice fails

No worry!  For we will never return to the rafters or attics of fear

We are the children of the Maccabees

The Defending. Israeli Jews,
So let us be damned as we do—rather than be damned for our don’t


The Lost Tribe of Israel



A secular Israeli

Attended a synagogue

In the Great American diaspora

He was offered an Aliyah

Which he gladly accepted

The gabbai asked him his Hebrew name

Which was Amnon

So he declared himself: Amnon

And the gabbai retorted

“No, your Hebrew name!!!”

“Amnon” said Amnon

The gabbai was confused

He needed to know

His  Jewish name

But Amnon’s name and self

Though secular,  were



Where have we come to?

Secular Israelis who know their Jewish name

And being

And religious Jews who

Don’t understand that an IsraelI

Name and being are one/ not bifurcated

Whereas the gabbai expects bifurcation


Where have we come ?

Jews who are illiterate ?

The vast majority of the American

Jewish diaspora are illiterate

And Can’t read an Alef or a Bet


Where have we come when intermarriage

Is the rule, accepted by the majority

We must have a “big tent Judaism”

To move on, to survive?


Where have we come to when most people

Attending synagogue or JCC’s are not Jewish?

Where have we come to when the Jewishly ignorant

And part time Jews try to dictate Jewish life, politics

And lifestyles to the full time Secular Israeli Jews


Where have we come to when illiterate and ignorant

Liberal Jews criticize Israel and condemn us

For wars of defense of ourselves?

You don’t have to send us your sons and daughters

To wear our uniform

But where’s your humility

When you call us an aggressor ?

For fighting for our Jewish lives?


All that’s required is to at least be silent

When you cower in your safety as Jews

In your distant hiding places

And support those who hate you too.

And when you March with my enemy and yours


Do you March against your own government

When it bombs Isis in Syria and Iraq

And over-kills to defeat this common enemy?

Do you call for a boycott on your own country

For its sins of occupation of land since it’s very


Or do you eat turkey on thanksgiving

To celebrate your conquests over the Native Americans on whose

Land you live?


And to add insult to injury

On they very day that a legendary Jewish hero


Eli Weisel z”l

You criticize this צדיק הדור this ל״ו nick

For loving Israel too much


Where have we come to when the tail

Tries to lead the vital horse as it gallops swiftly

Toward our future.

Perhaps we are actively bringing the messiah

While you wait


To those who would try to stop us

Note please —-you need us

Not the opposite

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