Lee Diamond – Consider the Shofar שפר
The clarion call of the Jewish People.
*Not the overwhelming blast of trumpets!
*Not the pomp and circumstances Which accompanies entering royalty!
*Not Beethoven’s 5th symphony and Its familiar opening!
*Not on craftsmen created
* Not on any current hit parade.
* But on the simple horn of a ram.
Theories abound and explanations
Remain numerous
All convincing !
Yet the real answer lies closer and within our grasp
Three Hebrew letters form the word Shofar שפר.
” To Improve”
Every Israeli child knows the word
Every Hebrew speaking Jew
Refers daily to this word
The Shofar demands of us “to improve”
To leave
the pomp and circumstance behind
To return to the simplest
And most natural sound
The very sound “seen” at Mt. Sinai
The still small Inner voice
The Shofar imitates the voice of our soul
reminding us
that we are not “What We Have”
“Who We Are”
And that “Who We Are”
שפר Improvement
Finding that inner spark
Demands of us
To HEAR our inner self
That we too Cry
To “Improve”
To Return to basics
Together with that voice
With the piercing simple
Of the ShofAr
Tekiah Gedolah