Lee Diamond – Change is in the air in Israel
In the streets
In the grocery store
In all shops
On public transportation
On the Internet and greeting cards
Everywhere we hear the wonderful greeting
Shana Tova
Or Shana Tova u Metuka
A good year / A sweet year.
No doubt about it
There’s a change in the air
In the environment
Even in the foods available in the stores
ש נ ה are the root letters of the word Shana
They can mean year
But they are also the root letters of the word for
Yes change is in the air
The weather is changing
The spirt of the nation is changing
One can cut it with a knife
And the change is for the good.
Yes the change is for the good
So when we wish each other
A Shana Tova
It’s a wish for a new beginning
A new outlook
A new vision
Of ourselves
And our loved ones
And the world we live in
And of the people of Israel
The.Jewish People
Yes the tribal group
Called Jews
We may or not be chosen
But we are the changing people
Shana Tova
May it be a
And oh so sweet.