Lee Diamond – Better Than Ever
Where are the good old days
When schools were schools
When kids were kids
When teachers were ‘Ha Moreh (ah)
When kids stood at attention when
The teacher entered the classroom
When there was discipline
No shouting
No flippancy
When learning mattered
When grades were grades
And not the basis for bargaining
When parents knew their place
When parents respected teachers
And demanded of their children
To behave and study
Hard daily.
Classes are so big today , 40+
Our Teachers don’t understand Our kids.
I have to hire tutors
So my child will succeed
They’re not reading yet!
And it’s two months into
First grade!
Where are the good old days?
Like when we were in school!
In those days we knew history;
And Tanach
And lashon
Today our kids can’t read!
Don’t know grammar
High Schools are simply “bagrut” factories
And my kids had better get a good “bagrut.”
Or the school will be at fault.
But wait a minute!!!
You went through this system!
You were undisciplined!
You were among the 40 +
In your class
You shouted and were undisciplined.
You forgot all the tricks you played.
Yet you are educated, mature,
Committed, worldly, and knowledgable
Did you know that
Your kids today
Are among the very best
No I’m not naïve at all
I’ve observed this
In all our kids
And in you
There’s no comparison
They are caring
They smile the smile
Of real joy, an inner smile
They are so genuine
They share their inner truths
They can speak to you
And to other adults
They feel comfortable
In the presence of
Your friends
And your relatives
And grandparents
Sure they speak faster to their
But have time for us,
Know who we are
And Who they are.
Don’t assume that they know less–
Less history; less tradition; less tanach;
Less Hebrew and “dikduk”
They often know more
About more
And leave us behind
Wondering how they know
So much?
Ask so much!
They add new words to our language
And we have to learn from them.
Why can’t we be so
Innovative and literate and creative
In the computer? In robotics!
In science? In life.
And they’re sooooo nice
Good values
They’re so good looking too
In touch and comfortable
With their identity
Their Judaism is authentic
And not necessary to question
How Jewish they are
or if they know the siddur
They’re “bi seder!”
It’s who they are
And it’s truly authentic
They live in Jewish skin
They’ll seek the best choices
In Tzahal צה״ל, the IDF!
It’s clear to them
That צה״ל is part of being
A Jew and Israeli
It’s who they are!
They may or not kiss
The mezuza,
But they will place
It on the doorpost
Of their homes when they have
Their own homes
Because that’s what we do!
It’s our secret code
Their names are all
Hebrew; Jewish—
And so are the names
Of their world
“Th” is tough for them to pronounce
But “ח” is natural.
Somehow we did it
Somehow we overcame
The lack of discipline
The lack of respect
Despite—The grades, The psychometric exams,
The army,
The eternal debates and shouting
About the politics of our state
And these kids become “menchen”
Worthy of us and our respect.
They become better parents
Than we were
Or maybe as good as us
Because they built upon us
With values
That we respect.
How did this happen?
Maybe with a little help from
The crucible that we live in
Still struggling to be free.
Maybe because we are forming
A state and society of our own.
With our own hands
And minds and hearts!
Every day
Maybe there’s something in our
History or in our genes
That protects us and guides
Our true nature
After all we have common diseases
So why can’t we have common genes
Maybe it’s a “Force”
Greater than us
Maybe we just remember
The inner voice
Of Sinai
And the thunder and lighting
Maybe our vision
And the sounds of this experience
And the mountain
Held above our heads
Maybe all this Defines our essence
Maybe Sinai caused us
To be forever young
And struggling to grow younger
Maybe we’re
The Better Than Ever Israeli Jews.