Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – Baseless Hatred Destroys Us

Image: A white wall with two angry men’s faces painted in black and shades of gray. Artwork: “Hatred” by Ben Slow, photographed by MsSaraKelly, used under a Creative Commons license.

Lee Diamond – Baseless Hatred Destroys Us

The second Temple

Was destroyed by Us

Because of our hatred

For one another.

We lost  our sovereignty

Over our land

By infighting amongst


The fabric of our society

Came apart at its fringes

Simply because we lost sight

Of The weave that made us


The Sadducees against the


The Zealots against the

Sadducees and Pharisees

The Essenes against the

Sadducees and Pharisees

All sure that they were correct

All certain that the other

Was wrong

It was that struggle

That undid us.

What we missed and failed

To realize

Was that our own

short sightedness

Left us blind.

Had we only displayed

A long sightedness

A realization that

We were all reaching

For the Same goal

The goal of our

Own sovereignty

In our own land

A weakened fabric

Can not stand

Against an enemy .

Only a closely woven fabric

In which the woof and the

Warf hold each other as

one fabric

allow for strength.

When left rejects right

When right delegitimates left

When the extremes make the rules

We Dis-Integrate.

We fall apart and

Are are no longer

Able to be upstanding

In the face of our detractors .

We are the interconnecting

Strands that give strength

To the fabric of Israel

The strands must tighten and hold

Each other

For only together can we be

The House of Israel  בית ישראל

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