Lee Diamond – Balance of the Committed
Despite the warning
My pre teen son
Stood In the canoe
Wobbling left and right
As he played with
The laws of balance
Unfortunately balance won
And we all toppled
Into the lake!
It was winter
Cold water enveloped us
Tried to save the canoe
But failed
But we struggled
To shore
drenched and
Weighted down
By heavy winter clothes
It was all about balance.
The laws of nature demand
Too far to the right
Or too far to the left
We topple even
The most steady canoe
Balance is demanded
Or the ship may sink.
It’s not another canoe
That we have to fear
It’s US that we must fear
We are the only ones
To keep the balance
If we care about our safety
We must balance our weight
To keep afloat.
I know that we all want
To stand, test, overcome
With our weight
But nature demands balance
On all sides
To allow the canoe to stay afloat